Year: 2024

The Real Benefits Of Private Credit

Image by Oleksandr Pidvalnyi from Pixabay I’ve been quite critical of private investments. They’ve grown tremendously over the past decade. Drawn to their seemingly high returns and low volatilities, investors have poured billions into them, reallocating funds from traditional public stocks and bonds. While the Federal Reserve’s (Fed) aggressive policy hikes slowed inflows for some..

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There Was An Old Bank Who Swallowed A Rule

Image by Stable Cascade To this day, banking confuses many. The industry’s myriad of jargon and regulations can understandably perplex casual investors; however, they also confound experts—even those specializing in the discipline. Yet, banking is really quite simple. Banks borrow to lend. Their complexity is purely self-inflicted, created by the controls we’ve buried them under…

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