Thank you for reading The Integrating Investor over all these years. Due to a change in my employment circumstances, I need to suspend my blogging activities. Unfortunately, this also entails removing my historical content. It’s all for the best though.

I can’t possibly express my gratitude towards every one of you enough—devoted and casual readers alike. I’m amazed by the personal growth that sprang from these web pages. Over the last 6.5 years(!) I’ve uncovered and overturned deeply held biases on many topics including central banking, the purpose of investing, inflation, gold, crypto, value and trend investing, and even the nature of money itself. Who knew I was so wrong on so much?!

Thanks to your readership I’ve course-corrected and cultivated an incredible investing perspective. I hope you’ve gained as well.

I wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors. I’ll miss our interactions and discourse. Please keep in touch by joining the email list (below). Who knows, one day I might return.

All the best,
